These 5 States Had 4 Years of Consecutive Poverty Decline


California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina: For the fourth consecutive year between 2012 and 2017, these five states had a decline in poverty rates according to the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the United States Census Bureau. The ACS is an ongoing survey that generates vital data including information helping  to determine how more than $675 billion in federal and state funds are distributed.

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NDILC Inclusion Drive: Senior Executive Women with Grit!


Women in the Housing & Real Ecosystem (NAWRB) is seeking additional senior executive women to join our exclusive NAWRB Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC). By cultivating and leveraging each other’s resources to advance gender equality and women’s economic growth, we will help more women achieve leadership positions.

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Diversity & Inclusion Makes a Mark at the Emmys


At the Creative Arts Emmys this past weekend, history was made as all four guest actor/actress categories were swept by African-Americans. While the Primetime Emmy telecast airs on NBC Monday, September 17th, the Creative Arts Emmys take place before and include the guest categories.

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SB 826 Women On Boards Passes. What Happens Next?


SB 826, known as the women on boards bill, narrowly cleared the California State Assembly with the minimum amount of votes required and then went on to clear the state Senate. The measure requiring corporate boards to include at least one woman by the end of 2019 and depending on the size of the company, up to three by the end of 2021 now sits on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk waiting to be approved or vetoed. Continue reading

One World Trade Center: A Symbol of Hope and a Hallmark of Building Safety

Seventeen years later, the aftermath of 9/11 continues to haunt us. All of us who were alive and old enough to remember will never forget where we were and the effect it has had on our lives.  The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, a division of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under the Dept. of Labor accounted for 2,886 9/11 related injuries in 2001, a list including people of all ages, ethnicities gender, and types of work—in essence, a snapshot of America.  For those who responded to the attacks, the toll it continues to take is unforgiving.

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Women Graduates Earn More at These Three Universities


Closing the gender pay gap is a battle with many fronts. One of those fronts, a recent study discovered, is at top U.S. universities. The study, conducted by, a website for prospective business students, did not take into account cost of living by area, or field of study. Instead, it simply focused on graduates of 117 leading universities based on the U.S. News & World Report College Rankings for 2018 and data from the U.S. Department of Education.

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HUD Announces Nearly $99 Million Awarded for Disabled Residents


On Tuesday, HUD issued a press release announcing its awarding of $98.5 million to 285 public housing authorities across the country. These housing vouchers are intended to provide permanent housing assistance to “non-elderly persons with disabilities” who are, according to HUD, either transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization or who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

The press release emphasized that these are new vouchers, providing permanent housing to an additional 12,000 low-income disabled residents per year and that it meets the Americans with Disabilities Act goal by helping people with disabilities to live in an integrated setting.

They also provided a list of the PHAs in each state that have been awarded the vouchers and for which amounts.

View the original press release here.

Get Your Strong On: Five Songs to Mood-Boost Your Strength

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Every day it seems as if we are called on to be strong in one form or another. Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional, the challenge to be strong can be as simple as saying no to the second piece of pie or as profound as getting out of bed in the wake of personal tragedy.

No matter what level of endurance you have to tap into, here are five songs showcasing the words “strong” “stronger” or “strength” to help build your mindset.

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LA Family Housing is One of Dateline’s “Angels of Skid Row”

Of the half a million people across America homeless at any given time, a quarter reside in California, with 55,000 in Los Angeles alone. Los Angeles’ Skid Row, 52 square blocks of blight, has the highest concentration of homeless in America.

Skid Row came about under unofficial policy of containment, but now thousands of homeless are spilling out into other areas in LA creating an even greater crisis.

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Kathy Kraninger Narrowly Approved by Senate Banking Committee in Split Party Vote


In her journey to become the next Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Kathy Kraninger must win over the Senate. If the recent vote by the Senate Banking Committee is any indication of how that might go, it might end up in a narrow confirmation along party lines.

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