Essential Women Preserving the Quality of Life


For the first time in NAWRB history, this sheCENTER(FOLD) features not just one woman but a collage of dynamic “Essential Women” who are impacting the well being of society through these difficult times. After asking our community for submissions, we are incredibly humbled to give center stage to a few of these women leaders, representing a variety of positions and backgrounds, who are helping to ensure the quality of life of countless Americans as we tackle the corona virus (COVID-19) as a united front. These women are having a positive impact on the world, even if their actions are unseen and unheard. NAWRB gives voice to their selfless actions and sheds light on their efforts to show these women that they are being noticed and appreciated. Continue reading

Must-Know Facts about Elder Financial Abuse

Financial Elder Abuse

Elder financial abuse is a growing problem, leaving destroyed relationships and economic destruction in its wake.  From straightforward theft to slow development through complex relationships, the tremendous loss of wealth incurred by senior citizens results in premature deaths and intergenerational loss of wealth. It ultimately rips at the fabric of society as a whole as trust among family members and faith in financial institutions are destroyed.

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