Housing Costs Ease for Homeowners But Not Renters Since 2008


A decade after the housing crisis, a U.S. Census Bureau report shows that housing cost burden has eased for homeowners but has remained stagnant for renters since the peak of the recession. Recent data from the American Community Survey (ACS) estimates the percentage of “burdened” households that spend at least 35 percent of their monthly income on housing costs. 

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WHER Chat: November is National Family Caregivers Month


November is National Family Caregivers Month, which pays tribute to the millions of Americans who selflessly care for family members who are chronically ill, elderly or have a disability. Taking care of a loved one comes with its own unique set of challenges and joys, and this month is dedicated to recognizing caregivers for all their efforts in providing support and comfort to their loved ones in their homes and communities. 

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