Advertising Deadline for NAWRB Magazine Special Edition, Redefining Leadership: Sept. 10th, 2019


The 2019 NAWRB 10th Anniversary Conference, Redefining Leadership, brought together industry leaders and senior executives from across many industries in the economic ecosystem earlier this month. The upcoming NAWRB Magazine Special Edition: Redefining Leadership will recapture the synergy and eye-opening conversations with exclusive coverage of our professional mastermind event. Companies who want to be a part of this incredible issue must submit their advertisements by September 10th, 2019. 

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NAWRB Comments on SBA’s Proposed Receipts-Based Size Standards


Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)’s Proposed Rule, Small Business Size Standards: Calculation of Annual Average Receipts.This new proposed rule will modify how the SBA calculates annual average receipts in determining size standards for certain industries, including retail trade, agricultural and construction industries. Specifically, the proposal states that the agency intends to change its size standards from a three-year averaging period to a five-year averaging period for calculating annual average receipts for all receipts-based size standards.

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