As August comes to an end, Americans are gearing up to celebrate Labor Day weekend. Labor Day, which takes place on September 2nd, is a federal holiday celebrating the contributions and success of American workers. It also commemorates the American labor movement which fought for workers’ rights and saw the emergence of shorter work days and the end of child labor in the United States.

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Monthly Archives: August 2019
NAWRB Brought Together Senior Leadership Executives from Most Diverse Array of Industries in the Housing Ecosystem with a Gender Lens
The 2019 NAWRB 10th Anniversary Conference, Redefining Leadership, has passed, but for all the senior executive and industry expert participants, this is just the beginning of newfound relationships and forward-thinking dialogues that were formed during this informative and invigorating professional mastermind event. NAWRB would like to thank Veronica Miracle of ABC7 Eyewitness News, Tami Bonnell of Exit Realty International, and Erica Courtney of ZuluTime for serving as Master of Ceremonies.
Happy National Dog Day 2019!
In addition to it being Women’s Equality Day, today is also National Dog Day in the United States—a day set aside to celebrate pups around the country and raise awareness of the number of dogs that need to be rescued every year. Celebrated annually, the observance was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, the founder of several philanthropic days shining a light on animals’ struggles and the importance of adoption.
WHER Chat: Women’s Equality Day Marks 99th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage
Today marks Women’s Equality Day, a day established in 1973 to commemorate the same day in 1920 when women were first granted the right to vote in the United States. This year is the 99th anniversary of women’s right to vote, and women have been voting more than their male counterparts since 1980. The voter turnout in 2018 was 55 percent for women and 51.8 percent for men. In 2014, women’s turnout was 43 percent and men’s turnout was 40.8 percent.
Advertising Deadline for NAWRB Magazine Special Edition, Redefining Leadership: Sept. 10th, 2019
The 2019 NAWRB 10th Anniversary Conference, Redefining Leadership, brought together industry leaders and senior executives from across many industries in the economic ecosystem earlier this month. The upcoming NAWRB Magazine Special Edition: Redefining Leadership will recapture the synergy and eye-opening conversations with exclusive coverage of our professional mastermind event. Companies who want to be a part of this incredible issue must submit their advertisements by September 10th, 2019.
NAWRB Comments on SBA’s Proposed Receipts-Based Size Standards
Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)’s Proposed Rule, Small Business Size Standards: Calculation of Annual Average Receipts.This new proposed rule will modify how the SBA calculates annual average receipts in determining size standards for certain industries, including retail trade, agricultural and construction industries. Specifically, the proposal states that the agency intends to change its size standards from a three-year averaging period to a five-year averaging period for calculating annual average receipts for all receipts-based size standards.
National Senior Citizens Day 2019
Today marks National Senior Citizens Day, which recognizes the achievements of the older population in the United States in appreciation of the dedication and services they have given throughout their lives. In honor of this day, the U.S. Census Bureau has released key statistics about the growing older population.
HUD Proposes Rule Affecting Housing Discrimination Lawsuits – Comments Due Oct. 18th
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) introduced a proposal that will affect the 2013 Disparate Impact rule, which created uniform standards for the application of disparate impact, referring to policy that has discriminatory effects despite the intention of the policymakers. In brief, the new rule will place the burden of proof onto the plaintiff in housing discrimination cases, which could make such lawsuits more difficult.
FedNow Service is an Opportunity for Blockchain
This past Monday, the Federal Reserve Board announced that it plans to develop a new “round-the clock real-time payment and settlement service” called “FedNow Service” that will make it easier and faster to pay bills and transfer money. Because of the advent of new technological advancements such as blockchain, the Federal Reserve has the capacity to modernize the United States’s payment system so that it is both safe and efficient.
NDILC Member Erica Courtney Appointed to Commission on the Status of Women & Girls
NAWRB is proud to announce that NDILC Member Erica Courtney, President of 2020vet and Zulu Time, U.S. Army Aviation Major, NATO Gender Advisor, has been appointed to the Commission on the Status of Women & Girls by California Governor Gavin Newsom. Learn more about Erica and her accomplishments at the link!