A paper released by the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that a smaller share of Millennials are getting married, compared to previous generations at their age, due to economic concerns. Labor force participation, wages, poverty and housing costs and living arrangements are strong factors causing young adults aged 18 to 34 to delay marriage.

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Monthly Archives: June 2018
sheCenter(FOLD) – Gina Diez Barroso
President and CEO, Grupo Diarq; Founder, Fundación Pro-Educación Centro and Fundación Diarq; and Chariman, Dalia Empower
Gina Diez Barroso
Gina Diez Barroso, founder of the first university in Mexico City focused on creative studies, and the only Mexican belonging to the C200, never takes no for answer. In an exclusive interview with NAWRB, Diez Barroso takes us through her childhood in Mexico and her journey to becoming a resilient entrepreneur. Diez Barroso shares how she helps women leave abusive relationships and reach their full potential by teaching them to own their power.
NAWRB:What obstacles did you face while developing Centro, the first university in Mexico City that specializes in creative studies? How did you overcome them?
Gina Diez Barroso: The first obstacle was they didn’t believe that we needed a new university, and they didn’t believe creativity was important. We spoke from authorities and business people, to everybody involved in this. I had to get together a diverse group of people— creative thinkers, business people, academics—who were working not for me but for my vision and my passion. They were working with me. We also hired market analysts to do a study, and the study predicted that it wasn’t going to work and that I shouldn’t do it. When I was young, I never took no for an answer. I used to think this was a bad thing, but now I take it as a compliment.
Walking On The Glass Floor by Judy Hoberman
Think about this…you’ve worked hard to get where you are. You are respected by your colleagues and maybe even envied by your friends. You have a great reputation and are known for your integrity, honesty and intelligence plus a whole lot more…and yet, deep down inside you have that “feeling” that sometimes you are…for lack of a better term, an imposter. You are putting on a great front on the outside and inside you have that internal conflict… am I enough? I’ve interviewed enough women to know that this is one of the missing pieces in the puzzle of leadership. This takes courage, and that it one of the seven unexpected qualities of women who lead.
It’s funny when the word leadership is mentioned, everyone thinks of the CEO of a large company with hundreds of people that you are responsible for. You can be a leader of 100, 10 or…even simply yourself. Leadership is about you and me and who we are in this position, and who we can be. Whether you are moving out of a dorm room or moving into an executive suite, you are already a leader. The goal is not to just invite you to be in that position, but to stay and let the magic happen.
Every day there is another woman who is standing out in her field, and making things happen, change, transform and create a better future of opportunities for the women coming through the ranks. The amazing part is that these women are younger and younger and have tools available to them that the women we call trailblazers didn’t have. They have platforms to speak on and mentors to question and yes, they are making a difference in our everyday lives. They are the future of women in leadership and their confidence in knowing that is something we admire.
There are seven qualities of leadership that I direct my readers, clients and colleagues to. You will likely recognize that many, if not all, are part of who you are. You may have pushed them down so they need some polish to put the shine back on and bring them up to the surface. We are reminded to find our voices, get a seat at the table, learn to negotiate and to support other women. Yes to all of those qualities, and let’s go one step further…or seven to be exact. Here are those qualities that just might be your hidden gems:
1. Passion
2. Authenticity
3. Courage
4. Communication
5. Decisiveness
6. Resilience
7. Generosity
Consider this your invitation to reconnect with these seven “unexpected” essential leadership qualities. As my tagline reminds us, “Women Want To Be Treated Equally Not Identically”™, let’s bring women onto the glass floor and not only walk, but dance together and create a movement to the future of women in leadership. In addition, we have created a non-profit foundation by the same name, where we will donate a portion of the proceeds of every book sold to companies, associations, charities, social causes and scholarships and plan to start a movement about women in leadership.
mPower Event at 2018 NAWRB Conference Features First-Ever Male Panelist
mPower will host a leadership panel at the 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference on July, 29th in Chicago, IL from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM! This special mPower event will feature discussion about workplace disruptors with both women and men industry experts.This will be the first time a male leader in the real estate finance industry will join an mPower panel—the start of a continued effort by mPower to include more male participants in these important discussions about gender equality!
NDILC Member & Trailblazer Awardee Tami Bonnell Speaking at WomanUP!
Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) is thrilled to share that Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty Corp. International, Member of the NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council, and The Trailblazer Awardee of the 2018 NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awards, will be a featured speaker at the WomanUP! Conference held June 28th-29th at the JW Marriott LA Live in Los Angeles, CA.
NAWRB Writes Supporting Letter for California Bill SB 826
June 21, 2018
The Hon. Monique Limon
Chair, Banking and Finance Committee
California State Assembly
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA
Dear Hon. Monique Limon,
This letter expresses the support of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) for the passing of SB 826, “Women on Corporate Boards.” Having diverse members on corporate boards is not only an ethical decision—it’s good for business. Credit Suisse research demonstrated that companies are more profitable and more productive when they have at least three women directors on their boards, especially in return on equity and stock performance.
Single Mothers at the Border: A Crisis with Lasting Impact
As we think of the recent crisis at the South Texas border with children separated from their parents, first and foremost, the policy’s immediate impact comes to mind. A child’s primary bond is with his or her parent. To anyone who understands that bond no analysis is needed to comprehend negative implications.
Settling Up in Cincinnati, a Top City for Single Women Homebuyers
June is National Homeownership Month. This article is part of an ongoing series focusing on different aspects of women’s homeownership.
Single Women Outpace Men in Homeownership
In our 2018 Women in the Housing and Ecosystem Report, we found women have outpaced single men in homeownership consistently since 1986. This trend has most likely sustained because the reasons women seek homeownership are powerful, both from an economic and an emotional standpoint.
Congratulations to the 2018 NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awardees
Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) present to you the 2018 NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awardees! Join us in honoring these incredible women at our Roaring Thirty Awards Gala on July 30th, 2018 in Chicago, IL during the 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference, “Year of Women.” Sponsored by U.S. Bank, NAWRB’s Roaring Thirty Awards Gala will be emceed by Lenny McNeill, SVP and Managing Director of National Strategic Markets and Specialized Sales.
Power-up Your Policymaking
How to turn your passion into action from boosting your local engagement or running for office
“This woman’s place is in the House-the House of Representatives”-Bella Abzug
It’s no new news that although we comprise a little over half the human population, women are severely underrepresented in both politics and business. Although great strides have been made and new fissures and cracks appear every day in that storied glass ceiling, for the busy everyday woman, moving from awareness to engagement can seem daunting. Continue reading →