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Monthly Archives: May 2018
SBA Announces Joint Initiative with United Technologies Corporation
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) released a statement by Administrator Linda McMahon about their new strategic joint initiative with United Technologies Corporation (UTC), a Connecticut-based company. UTC announced that it plans to hire 35,000 new employees, invest $15 billion in the United States over the next five years, and spend $75 billion for its U.S. suppliers, with $19 billion going to small businesses.
Financial Services Committee Confirms Brian Montgomery as FHA Commissioner
Chairman Jeb Hensarling of the House Financial Services Committee released an official statement confirming the dual appointment of Brian Montgomery as the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Federal Reserve Releases 2017 Small Business Credit Survey
The Federal Reserve recently released their 2017 Small Business Credit Survey, a national collaboration among the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, providing prudential information on small businesses’ performance, debt and credit experiences from the third and fourth quarter of last year. Findings show an increase in reported revenue growth and profitability, as well as financial difficulties in some firm segments.
House Passes Dodd-Frank Act Deregulation Reform Bill
The Financial Services Committee announced today that the House of Representatives has passed the ‘Economic Growth Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act,” by a 258-159 vote. The new bill is presented as a “pro-growth financial regulatory reform package,” which features a significant number of rollbacks of Dodd-Frank Act regulations since the financial crisis almost a decade ago.
She is Superpower: Women’s Pathways to Success Event
Join NAWRB and circles of influencers for half-day event in Dallas, Texas at Service First Mortgage on Thursday, May 24th, from 12 PM to 4 PM, CST. Attendees will explore unique opportunities for personal, professional, and economic growth, and discover strategies to create and increase balance, wealth, health, confidence, and homeownership.
Former IBM Fellow Dr. Chitra Dorai Keynote Speaker at 2018 NAWRB Conference
First Quarter 2018: MBA Releases Quarterly Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Bankers Originations Index
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has released their Quarterly Survey of Commercial/Mulitfamily Mortgage Bankers Association Originations Index for the first quarter of 2018. While this quarter’s originations were 33 percent lower than fourth quarter of 2017, there was a one percent increase in commercial and multifamily mortgage loan originations compared to first quarter 2017.
Amazon Will Include Women and Minorities in Board Search
Amazon recently announced a pledge to include women and minorities candidates for board positions to address the company’s lack of diversity—with only three female board members out of 10 total. The change is a response to shareholder complaints, after Amazon’s board of directors initially rejected suggested policy changes to its board nomination process.
Creating A Female Coalition
The ability to connect with your clients is a crucial element in doing business. In today’s technologically advanced world, one must understand the language, execute the idea, and navigate the terrain of the competition. To do this, you must create your coalition of women that support your vision. This can be done by developing a network of individuals that are inspired, ignited, and invigorated by what you do or represent. It is the concept that what you offer will jumpstart a movement.
The idea of being an entrepreneur is a responsibility within itself. If one is to influence and navigate through the world of business. To disrupt the system, you must understand how to formulate a strategy, as well as how to execute the plan. What defines a leader? And will others follow your lead? The following principles will guide you on that path.