The National Association of REALTORS® Conference & Expo: The Sky’s the Limit, November 3-6, 2017, will ignite Chicago with an expected 20,000 attendees and four days of educational sessions, recognized speakers and unlimited networking opportunities. With a trade show floor featuring over 400 exhibitors, the event will focus on helping attendees elevate their business and careers to new heights.

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Daily Archives: October 20, 2017
Number of Americans Living without a Partner Increases
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the share of adults living without a spouse or partner has increased to 42 percent in 2017 from 39 percent in 2007. The Pew Research Center identifies two important demographic trends that have influenced this development: the number of married adults has fallen and the number of adults living with a romantic partner has grown.
Pets Displaced by Hurricane Find Loving Homes
Rescued from residences, shelters and even the flooded streets, hundreds of pets are finding homes across the country after being rescued from Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Just Wednesday night, 79 dogs and 25 cats arrived in South Florida from Save a Sato, a shelter damaged during the hurricane.