Google and Amazon could shake up the small business lending market and dislocate banks as entrepreneurs’ primary funding resource, according to a discussion led by Karen Mills, Harvard Business School Fellow and former White House administrator for small businesses, at LendIt Europe 2017.

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Daily Archives: October 13, 2017
Desirée Patno Speaking at NAR Expo, The Importance of Diversity Classification Panel, November 3, 2017, 2-3 PM
The National Association of REALTORS® Conference & Expo: The Sky’s the Limit, November 3-6, 2017, will ignite Chicago with an expected 20,000 attendees and four days of educational sessions, recognized speakers and unlimited networking opportunities. With a trade show floor featuring over 400 exhibitors, the event will focus on helping attendees elevate their business and careers to new heights.
California Passes 12-Week Family Leave for Small Businesses
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed the New Parent Leave Act (SB 63) enabling 2.6 million small business workers to take 12 weeks of unpaid family leave without having to worry about losing their jobs. The new bill will go into effect on January 1, 2018.