Foreign investment in U.S. real estate has been rampant in recent years, as investors seek to diversify their assets in the American marketplace. Whether this buying activity will remain constant or eventually diminish is a prevalent topic in the housing industry, and real estate platform Investorist reveals that for now, these foreign investors are here to stay.

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Monthly Archives: August 2017
Consumers and Business Owners Optimistic about Future
The Survey of Consumers from the University of Michigan reveals that consumer confidence grew substantially in the first half of August. From July to August of this year, the Index of Consumer Sentiment increased from 93.4 to 97.6 percent, marking an 8.7 percent increase from August 2016.
Why Renters are Making Big Moves across the Country
A new Apartment List survey of 24,000 renters across the U.S. reveals that the majority of renters plan to relocate to and settle down in cities where they don’t currently live, with the exception of Sunbelt renters, who are more likely to settle down where they presently reside.
NAWRB Adds New Pillar to Small Business Sustainability Care Package
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) announces the expansion of its Small Business Sustainability Care Package with a fifth pillar, Small Claims Accountability. In December 2016, NAWRB released the Small Business Sustainability Care Package to provide accountability and sustainability to the 30 million small businesses across the nation. As small business owners encounter obstacles, NAWRB equips them with sound tools and information for success.
NAWRB Adds Three New Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council Members
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is proud to announce additional Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) Members Linda Erkkila, General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Human Resources, Safeguard; Stacey M. Walker, Director, Housing Outreach, Affordable Lending, Access to Credit Single Family Business, Freddie Mac; and Ali Haralson, Executive Vice President, Client Management,
NAWRB is Expanding with Sales & Marketing Team!
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is expanding their Sales, Marketing & Development Teams. Less than a month after our 4th Annual NAWRB Nexus Conference, Women’s Collaboration for the Future, our growth is exponential.
Newsletter: Women in Housing Video – Home Prices Up, Mortgage Rates Down – HUD Swears in Anna Maria Farías
NAWRB is the Women’s and Small Business Validator: Access, Opportunities, Influence and Collaboration. To find out how you can get involved, contact NAWRB at (949) 559-9800 and or visit
HUD Swears in Anna Maria Farías as New Assistant Secretary of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced that Anna Maria Farías has been sworn in as new Assistant Secretary of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Farías—whose office is responsible for working to “eliminate housing discrimination, promote economic opportunity, and achieve diverse, inclusive communities”—was confirmed by the Senate last week, and President Trump announced his intent to nominate her for the role in June 2017.
Home Prices Up, Mortgage Rates Down
According to the recently-released National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo Housing Opportunity Index (HOI) home affordability went down in the second quarter of 2017. The rise in home prices counteracted a drop in mortgage rates to continue complicating issues for homebuyers.