Yelp just announced that it has reached an agreement with the federal government allowing users to review federal agencies and offices. This will allow agencies to claim their Yelp pages, accept reviews and utilize feedback to improve their operations. Continue reading

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Monthly Archives: August 2015
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Non-Performing Loans
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have strengthened their efforts to sell their high number of delinquent, non-performing loans (NPLs). From helping the taxpayer to providing opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses, the reasons for the newfound auction fervor are several. Continue reading →
NWBC to Address Venture Capital Gender Gap
The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC)—a non-partisan federal advisory council that advises the President, Congress and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues regarding women business owners—will host a panel discussion addressing the gender gap in venture capital on September 11, 2015 at 2PM EST. Continue reading →
Maria Contreras-Sweet
The 24th Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Maria Contreras-Sweet
From founding ProAmérica Bank to her appointment by President Obama as the 24th. Administrator of the SBA, Maria Contreras-Sweet has made incredible strides in her career. She divulges to NAWRB her personal role models, journey to the SBA, and what she’s doing to champion for small businesses.
NAWRB: You have an extensive background working in government with your first introduction as a secretary for the Speaker of the California State Assembly. Was it a long-time goal of yours to work in government?
Maria Contreras-Sweet: I always believed in public service but my career path took me into business. My time in government has been some of the most rewarding work of my life. Before I started my own bank, I spent five years running a large government agency back in California that had jurisdiction over Business, Transportation and Housing. When I say “large” – we had 44,000 employees, 14 departments and a $14 billion budget. We were able to do a lot of important things, such as creating the Department of Managed Health Care and its Office of Patient Advocate, passing a $2.1 billion bond for affordable housing, and initiating construction on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge – one of the largest infrastructure projects.
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Baby Boomers Are Staying in their Single-Family Homes
The latest edition of Fannie Mae Housing Insights reports that the baby boomer generation is staying in their single-family homes, and not transitioning to apartment living as it was previously thought. The research reveals that the number of baby boomers—Americans born between 1946 and 1965—occupying single-family homes has shifted minimally in recent years, regardless of significant life events from which a change in living situation could be expected. Continue reading →
2012 Survey of Business Owners Preliminary Results
The U.S. Census Bureau has released preliminary results from their 2012 Survey of Business Owners (SBO), comprised of information from approximately 1.75 million businesses. Continue reading →
How Mother Nature is Changing our Industry
If you look back on the last decade, a lot has been written about global warming and how Earth is shifting. With flooding occurring in some parts of the country and droughts in others, it is a crucial time to remain attune to earth’s changes. Regardless of your beliefs on global warming, an increasing amount of areas, including entire states, are being affected by the wrath of Mother Nature.
Recently, the state of Texas experienced downpours that reached 15 feet over the normal water level. This caused major flooding to the point that travel was prohibited in some areas, schools were shut down and obtaining basic necessities became troublesome. Natural disasters such as these are by no means a new occurrence, yet they are creating a bigger and more complex problem within the housing industry.
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Contribute to NAWRB Magazine!
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) advocates and promotes for women-owned businesses specializing in housing. We are dedicated to providing women tools and opportunities for the economic growth and expansion of their businesses. Continue reading →
2015 NAWRB Conference Starts in Three Days!
The 2015 NAWRB Conference is an event you cannot miss if you are a Woman in Housing. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) and TRID are the hottest movements in housing—with government, government-sponsored agencies and private sector companies looking to conduct business with women—and you need to be aware of their effects and latest developments. Continue reading →
NAWRB Magazine, Volume 4 Issue 4
We are proud to present Volume 4 Issue 4 of NAWRB Magazine. The theme for this issue is Women-Owned Businesses across the Housing Continuum. From the groundbreaking interagency OMWI standards to the FHFA’s Strategic Plan, our coverage informs readers of the most pertinent information regarding the thriving minority and women inclusion movement. Continue reading →