Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have strengthened their efforts to sell their high number of delinquent, non-performing loans (NPLs). From helping the taxpayer to providing opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses, the reasons for the newfound auction fervor are several. Continue reading

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Daily Archives: August 24, 2015
NWBC to Address Venture Capital Gender Gap
The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC)—a non-partisan federal advisory council that advises the President, Congress and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues regarding women business owners—will host a panel discussion addressing the gender gap in venture capital on September 11, 2015 at 2PM EST. Continue reading →
Maria Contreras-Sweet
The 24th Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Maria Contreras-Sweet
From founding ProAmérica Bank to her appointment by President Obama as the 24th. Administrator of the SBA, Maria Contreras-Sweet has made incredible strides in her career. She divulges to NAWRB her personal role models, journey to the SBA, and what she’s doing to champion for small businesses.
NAWRB: You have an extensive background working in government with your first introduction as a secretary for the Speaker of the California State Assembly. Was it a long-time goal of yours to work in government?
Maria Contreras-Sweet: I always believed in public service but my career path took me into business. My time in government has been some of the most rewarding work of my life. Before I started my own bank, I spent five years running a large government agency back in California that had jurisdiction over Business, Transportation and Housing. When I say “large” – we had 44,000 employees, 14 departments and a $14 billion budget. We were able to do a lot of important things, such as creating the Department of Managed Health Care and its Office of Patient Advocate, passing a $2.1 billion bond for affordable housing, and initiating construction on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge – one of the largest infrastructure projects.
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