The U.S. Census Bureau has released preliminary results from their 2012 Survey of Business Owners (SBO), comprised of information from approximately 1.75 million businesses. Continue reading

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Daily Archives: August 20, 2015
How Mother Nature is Changing our Industry
If you look back on the last decade, a lot has been written about global warming and how Earth is shifting. With flooding occurring in some parts of the country and droughts in others, it is a crucial time to remain attune to earth’s changes. Regardless of your beliefs on global warming, an increasing amount of areas, including entire states, are being affected by the wrath of Mother Nature.
Recently, the state of Texas experienced downpours that reached 15 feet over the normal water level. This caused major flooding to the point that travel was prohibited in some areas, schools were shut down and obtaining basic necessities became troublesome. Natural disasters such as these are by no means a new occurrence, yet they are creating a bigger and more complex problem within the housing industry.
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